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Trusted London based Since 2008
Best Independent Tantric Professional Massage North London
by International Independent tantric therapist LILA LILAC
Unique Tantric Sensual Massage London with Real therapeutic Bath Ceremony

Erectile dysfunction problems, premature ejaculation, impotence, lack of pleasure, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, all consequence of stress the tantric massage will help !

A powerful experience of directly transformative energies.Tantric balancing encourages awareness of your masculine and feminine energies.
Tantric Massage
This brings awareness of sexuality and love as such, beyond conventional cultural interpretations
Tantric massage will make you feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important, or are forgotten altogether.A Tantric Massage Session includes the whole body, including the genital areas in both women and men. In Tantric philosophy, the body is seen as a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts,it is a holistic view of the body, a temple that is the expression of the spirit and life force of the individual, and to ignore a given part or area is to ignore part of the spiritual essence of the person.
I will begin the massage by having you recline on your back with pillows under your head and a towel covered pillow supporting your hips. Your legs will be slightly apart, your knees just a little bent. Your abdomen, thighs, feet, toes, chest, nipples and fingers are then gently massaged using warm aromatic oil. No part of your body will escape the "godddesses" attention. Your energy flow is stimulated and senses awakened as your body's sensitivity gradually increases. According to Tantric ideals, your entire body will be massaged, including particularly sensitive areas. These "sensitive areas" are explained in elaborate detail and explicit diagrams under "Lingam" or "Yoni" massage.
Perceptions of sensuality and lust are located here, but these "intimate areas" are an important source of joy and fulfillment in life. You will feel relaxed, yet wide awake. You will be coached to breathe properly, as you sink into yet deeper level of relaxation. During this extraordinarily loving ceremony you will be completely nurtured and pampered in the arms of your goddess, providing you with a feeling of comfort and sense of well-being. This incomparable sensation has been described by some as if they were "walking on clouds".

Ligam and Sacred Spot
The Sanskrit word for the male sexual organ is Lingam and is translated as "Wand of Light."
In Tantra or Sacred Sexuality, the Lingam is respectfully viewed and honored, as a "Wand of Light" that channels creative energy and pleasure.
Orgasm is not the goal of the Lingam massage although it can be a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal is to massage the Lingam, also including testicles, perineum and Sacred Spot (prostate) externally, allowing the man to surrender to a form of pleasure he may not be accustomed to. From this perspective both receiver and giver relax into the massage.
Men need to learn to relax and receive. Traditional sexual conditioning has the man in a doing and goal oriented mode. The Lingam Massage allows the man to experience his softer, more receptive side and experience pleasure from a non-traditional perspective.
Beginning the Tantric Massage- How this working
Have the receiver lie on his back with pillows under his head so he can look up at his partner (giver). Place a pillow, covered with a towel, under his hips. His legs are to be spread apart with the knees slightly bent (pillows or cushions under the knees will also help) and his genitals clearly exposed for the massage. Before contacting the body, begin with deep, relaxed breathing. Gently massage the legs, abdomen, thighs, chest, nipples, etc., to get the receiver to relax. Remind the receiver to breathe deeply and to sink deeper into relaxation.
Pour a small quantity of oil on the shaft of the Lingam and testicles. Begin gently massaging the testicles, taking care to not cause pain in this sensitive area. Massage the scrotum gently, causing it to relax. Massage the area above the Lingam, on the pubic bone. Massage the perineum, the area between the testicles and anus. Take time when massaging the shaft of the Lingam. Vary the speed and pressure. Gently squeeze the Lingam at the base with your right hand, pull up and slide off, then alternate with your left hand. Take your time doing this, right, left, right, left, etc. Then, change the direction by starting the squeeze at the head of the Lingam and then sliding down and off. Again, alternate with right and left hands.
Massage the head of the Lingam as if you are using an orange juicer. Massage all around the head and shaft. In Tantra there are many nerve endings on the Lingam that correspond to other parts of the body. It is believed that many ailments may be cured by a good Lingam massage. The Lingam may or may not go soft as you perform this technique. Do not worry if it doesn't get hard again. You will probably find that it will get hard, then go soft, get hard again, etc., which is a highly desirable Tantric experience, like riding a wave, bobbing up and down. Hardness and softness are two ends of the pleasure spectrum.If it appears that the receiver is going to ejaculate, back off, allowing the Lingam to soften a little before resuming the massage. Do this several times, coming close to ejaculation, and then backing off. It is important to remember that the goal is not orgasm in and of itself. Men can learn the art of ejaculatory mastery and control by coming close to ejaculation and then backing off on the stimulation. Deep breathing is key here and will soften the urge to ejaculate. Eventually ejaculatory mastery will allow you to make love as long as you want and you can become multi-orgasmic without losing a drop of semen. Orgasm and ejaculation are two different responses that you can learn to separate. The result is a very expanded sex life.(Text from www.whitelotuseast.com)